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And as if by magic, your website is flooded with new visitors!

Yes, that's what you're looking for, isn't it?

If you've been struggling online for some time, you probably think traffic doesn't exist. Like an ol' wives tale.

Even after buying all those ‘the only course you’ll ever need to make millions online‘ type products, your website sits empty. Gathering dust.

And as long as you’re buying those products and subscribing to that mentality it will stay that way.

See, the gooroos tell you one thing, but do another. Some of them don’t even do their own traffic. If you’re following their advice hoping to generate massive amounts of traffic…

Your business will die a slow and painful death!

Especially if you’re hoping to get massive traffic for free like they spout in some of their frauducts.

Don’t believe me?

Okay. Go spend 6 months writing 3 articles a day on Ezine Articles or posting 5 videos a week on YouTube. Then come back begging for traffic when you can’t stand YouTube and never want to write another article in your life.

And all you have to show for your 6 months is a handful of leads and probably zero sales!

So the answer is..

Pay Per Click


Where else can you get as much or as little traffic as you want who are actively searching for what you have at the exact moment they want it?

Genius, Right?

And it’s instant. As soon as your ads are live, people start to visit your site. You don’t have to look for customers.

They're Looking For You!

Often as much as hundreds of thousands per day depending on your target market. You just have to present your product or services in a way which makes them want it.

There's two secrets to getting massive and consistent traffic as a home business owner.

One of them being your ability to sell your product to the traffic. If you can't, you'll blow your budget and lose the consistency.

The other is getting the traffic in the first place.

And that's where i come in!

Look around the Home Business industry, see how nobody is speaking of Pay Per Click traffic anymore?

That's because they're all banned and their business model is fucked.

What once made them $100,000/month incomes kicked them off like shit from the bottom of their shoe. They’re back in their mothers spare rooms.

That’s part of the reason you should NOT try and do PPC yourself. You will get banned. Even if you somehow you manage to stay within the terms AdWords and BingAds set out, then you have years of learning in front of you.

You will waste thousands of dollars in the process.

My journey into Pay Per Click marketing started years ago, with $1000 ad budget going straight to an error message because I fucked it up.

I was heart broken!

That's exactly why you should let me take care of your traffic!

I’ve paid the price and sucked up all the mistakes so you don’t have to. I send you all the traffic you want leaving you free to deliver your products and services.

You wont have to buy another ‘ninja’ traffic course again.

Look at what I did for this client. In an industry I knew nothing about, I didn’t understand what most of the keywords meant, yet, on a $5/day budget, you can see almost 6000 conversions for an extremely cheap cost.

I'm getting home business leads at less than $1!

One of my Real Estate clients made $40,000 from a $600 spend in less than 2 weeks.

One of our clients in the travel industry saw thousands of leads at under .20cents.

So, isn’t it about time you saw some real traffic visit your website?

Look, I can’t promise you a specific result, that would be dumb but here’s my guarantee to you.

I guarantee you traffic to your website. I will send you as much of it as I possibly can from the budget you allocate. If for some crazy reason you don’t get traffic, I will rip it down and start again!

But I’m sure that won’t be necessary.

I do traffic, you sell to it.

It's a match made in heaven!

Here's the deal...

  • We'll conduct a strategy session together to plan out how you will attack the market. Your business must solve a need in the marketplace.

  • I'll go over your website and make sure it complies with the terms and conditions for PPC marketing set out by the major search networks. eg AdWords & BingAds. 

  • I'll research your market, go through it with a fine tooth comb.

Here's what you'll get...

  • A Pay Per Click Campaign with a set of keywords unique to you inside BingAds.

  • A PPC compliant landing page.

  • Ads written by me designed to ONLY attract people most likely to buy from you.

  • Conversion tracking set up so we know what’s working.

  • Campaign management for the first 30 days where I will build on what’s bringing you results and get rid of what’s wasting money.

After the first 30 days you can hire me or one of my team for ongoing management for a monthly fee.

If you specifically want your campaign built in AdWords, let me know when you order.

One question every new client asks is…

How much should my budget be?

Only you can answer that. It can be as big or as little as you like. Don’t think you need a massive amount of money to start. If $100 a month is all you’re willing to spend then that’s great, you’re in the game. Set out to spend that EVERY month. I've worked with clients spending £5/day up to £10,000/day!

So now it’s up to you. If you’re desperate for traffic, lets get started!

oh, but just before you go hitting the buy now button…

If you’re a serial refunder then please close this page and never return. If you buy, you’ll probably ask me for a refund and I will say no.

This is not some shitty digital product and it takes a lot of man hours to build.

Okay, if you didn’t close and leave, I look forward to sending you lots of traffic.

Remember, sign up below for tips, tricks & tools & join thousands of other ambitious dads all over the world trying to up their game.

* By signing up i agree to be added to a mailing list where i will receive DAILY emails & promotional messages from Dads on Fire. See full privacy policy


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