Getting MLM money, without pissing everyone off

 March 2, 2020  

A reader emailed in all confused...

'Hi Ewan, I’ve been doing MLM for almost 2 years now. I found your site through Bing and everything you say makes so much sense. I mentioned some points you raised to my upline and they weren’t too happy to say the least. I won’t repeat what was said but they made out like I’d be harming my chances of success if I took my business online. Their closed mindedness is somewhat pushing me away from them. I am making some money offline but it’s tough, especially when I’m not the most confident person and they keep telling me to speak to more people.

What’s your thoughts?'

Firstly, thanks for writing in with some more ‘upline nonsense’

Of course they’re going to tell you such things. They have to keep you away from EVERYTHING else in fear you will leave.

Here’s what I suggest. (for getting mlm money without pissing everyone off)

If you’re making money offline it would be silly to stop. Incorporate an online sales funnel into your marketing and see which makes you more money.

Setting up an online business is perfect for people who don't like talking to prospects. It’s also great for people who do. Setting up a sales page does the same job you do when you’re pounding the streets with your best suit on trying to spark up conversations with randoms.

But it does it perfectly every time. It doesn’t care what the prospect thinks and it will also speak to thousands of people every day. All day!. It tells them what to do next and it qualifies them so if you so wish to talk to them...

You’re ONLY talking to people who are already sold on what you offer.

And it's a whole lot easier on the comfort zone!

No more hoping your friends and family sign up under you, No more acting the doosh for a couple hundred quid a month.

Ready to build your online empire?

Join Home Business Daily today and grab a copy of this free pdf…

‘7 Simple Steps to Home Business Profits’ – A ‘Cheat Sheet’ for Home Business Dads, Hungry for Success!!!

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