An airport meeting i’ve never forgot

I'd been with this new financial education company for nearly a year by the time we flew to Tahoe for the event. There were people going i'd met on various online webinars etc

And about 5 minutes after getting into the airport at Atlanta we bump into John. I've got a cracking story about John speaking on a team training webinar while he thought he was on mute, but today...

...let me tell you about John's balls.

I can't remember exactly how we got on to it, but John told us about him being diabetic and the reason he found out. 

His balls were itchy all the time!

I can see why he was worried and went to the doctor about it.

Anyway, that was an airport meeting i've never forgot (unfortunately) but there's another one.

We're walking through the airport and as we pass through one of the terminals, we see soldiers. Hundreds of soldiers. Wouldn't surprise me if there were a thousand.

I sat down and watched on. It hit me pretty hard for some reason. Possibly because i signed up to join the army in 1999. Did a few weeks and decided it wasn't for me.

See, it was 2009 and these guys were heading out to fight in the Afghan war! I guess it could've been me on route to Afghanistan to fight instead of a swanky hotel in Lake Tahoe.

There was us on our way to an extravagant event, to listen to and learn from millionaires. I had breakfast one morning with a billionaire. Ed Mercer. What a guy.

And these soldiers were off to war!

The contrast was huge. It was one of those surreal moments i can't explain, you had to be there.

Some of them laughing and joking. Excited even. Some looked terrified, possibly just focused. I don't know. Looking back, i wish i had went to speak to a few of them. They had families. Would they even return?

11 years on, i still often think of that moment. I hope all those warriors got home safe.

It's also 11 years since i made my first investment in Ivanhoe Mines thanks to that event in Lake Tahoe.

$1.50 to $20 or so. 1400% returns. Crazy.

All about who you know, innit.

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