Daily Habits #4 – Joooooooce!

'Give us this day, our daily juice'

I hope you bought that juicer?

So you can guess what today's tip is.

Yes, get that juicer working. Daily. Experiment with what you like because if you get it wrong, it will put you off forever!

I had a friend who didn't juice it, just blended it all up. Gave me a taste. It was fucking disgusting.

A few years later i came across a woman called Kris Carr. Had a massive caner scare. Told she was gonna die. But she changed her life up, got mad into the juicing scene and lives a great life 12+ years on.

I was hooked from then. 

Here's a few i like...

  • Carrots, apple & ginger.
  • Granny smiths, cucumber, celery & spinach.
  • Carrots, beetroot, ginger & apple

I often add in lemon, cayenne pepper & turmeric too. 3-1 veg to fruit ratio i think is the ideal.

Experiment and play about. Find something you like. There's endless recipes on Google & Pinterest etc.

Here's the links to those juicers again if you need.

See juicer here (£40)

See citrus juicer here (£20)

Love ya, bye.

ps, I once juiced a tattie. Fucking idiot. Don't do it.

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