Helping dads like you feel great

‘Helping dads like me feel great’

That’s what Michael said when a friend of his asked what Dads on Fire is all about.

And in a nutshell, that’s exactly it!

We help provide the tools, methods, habits and routines…

To feel amazing.

Every Single Day!

We believe that’s your #1 goal.

You have to care about how you feel.

That’s where the magic is. That’s where everything starts.

Doesn’t matter your status in society. Your job, your income etc

If you feel like shit, it’s all a struggle.

If you’re frustrated, bored, angry, out of shape, creating depression or anxiety, have low mood…

You’re not living life to the full.

You’re suffering.

You’re family is suffering.

And you deserve better.

The good thing about it all?

You can start right now. Choose to embark on a path to a better you!

Create a monster. Set a better example to your kids.

Come and join us full time by signing up for our 'PROJECT U' newsletter, below!

The conversation is different here, if you want to be better, it has to be...

You'll also get a free copy of Ignite 🔥 Six steps to help you get your shit together!

Love ya, bye

ps, Ignite has been responsible for many a man stepping up and turning things around...

Why not you?