Kicked out at christmas?

I LOVE a board game!

Problem is, nobody likes playing because i'm so competitive.

It's nearly christmas and it's tradition, when the kids are all in bed and the alcohol's flowing, out come the board games.

Or it used to be!

My sister was the culprit. One year she was so drunk, she got the game started and went to bed, leaving everybody who didn't even want to play, playing.

Those long games too, takes hours.

But one year, i got a sport question. It was to win the game. And the question asked wasn't even sport related.

I was raging.

I lost! Thought i was going to get kicked out 🤣

I forget the name of the game, but we never did play it again.

Trivial Pursuit type. 

Remember that? Collecting the cheeses.

I was doing some planning earlier for one of courses launching soon and put the 5 pillars the entire Dads on Fire business is built on, into a chart and it got me thinking about collecting cheeses back in the day.

See, once you filled your wheel with a cheese from each topic, you won the game.

And it's a bit like what we do here!

When you get a handle on each of the 5 pillars, similar to collecting cheese, you're flying.

Life becomes as it should. Fun, excitement, feeling great, high energy.

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Love ya, bye