Monthly Archives: May 2023

May 31

Daily routine for high energy men

I love when our guys email in with questions. Shows they’re focused on improvement.Trevor did just that yesterday asking about me pushing daily routines when I’d made a post about them hurting men.So let’s clear that up…Everyone has a daily routine. Even if you wake up and let life happen to you. But many men […]

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May 30

The problem isn’t usually the problem…

It’s your thoughts about the problem.Happened upon a post yesterday. It’s been deleted but it basically went like this…I have 2 beautiful boys & an amazing wife. But I’ve just been paid and I have $200 in my bank. I need more than that in fuel to get to work. I’m a failure as a […]

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May 30

Today’s choices, tomorrow’s results!

For most, it’s not on purpose. Drifting along. No plan.Weeks, months, even years pass and (hopefully) you come to a point where you stop and think…WTF happened!Something might trigger that moment.The day you start to turn it all around Then make some decisions about how you want life to look.Body. Income. Hobbies. Relationships. Mindset.What you […]

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May 30

Helping dads like you feel great

‘Helping dads like me feel great’That’s what Michael said when a friend of his asked what Dads on Fire is all about.And in a nutshell, that’s exactly it!We help provide the tools, methods, habits and routines…To feel amazing.Every Single Day!We believe that’s your #1 goal.You have to care about how you feel.That’s where the magic […]

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